Thursday, April 02, 2015


                                                            Brothers Grimm

           In a mid-winter, when the snow falling from the sky like a feather, a queen sat sewing at the window. Wood frame used to embroider is made from ebony-black. While embroidering, the Queen looked at the snow that fell and accidentally pricked by a needle that his three drops of blood falling wet snow. When he saw how bright the color red, he said to himself, "I wish to have a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood!".

           Not long after that, the queen gave birth to a daughter whose skin is white as white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as black as ebony, and he named Snow White. When his daughter was born, the queen had died.

           After a year had passed, the king married again to a woman who is very beautiful, but arrogant and not happy if there were exceeding beauty. The new queen had a magic mirror, where the Queen often stood looking into the mirror and said:

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

And the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest of them all".

And the Queen was satisfied, knowing that magic mirror never tell lies.

Snow White is now growing more and more beautiful, and when she grew up, her beauty far exceeds the beauty of the Queen herself. So that one day when the queen asked her mirror:

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

The mirror answered, "Queen, you are beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you."

          Snow White ran in the woods through the sharp rocks and shrubs berduriSang Queen became shocked and face color to yellow and then green by jealousy, and since then, he turned to hate Snow White. The longer, jealousy grew, until he did not have peace again. He then ordered a hunter to destroy Snow White.

"Bring Snow to a forest, so that I would never see it again. You have to destroy it and bring his heart as proof to me.

The hunter agreed, bringing Snow White to a forest; but when he drew his sword, Snow cried, and said:

"O, hunter, do not kill me, I'll go and get into the wild, and will not be back again."

Hunters who put pity, said:

          "Go then, the daughter of the poor;" because the hunter thought that wild animals will eat Snow White, and when he let go of Snow White, his heart becomes lighter as if freed from gencetan heavy stone. At that time also saw a wild boar was passed, and the hunter catches the boar took out his heart to be taken to the Queen as proof.

           Snow White who is now in the wild forest, feel overwhelming fear and do not know how to take action when fear struck. Then he started to run, ran over sharp rocks and ran through thorny bushes and wild animals were mengerjarnya, but not to hurt Snow White. He ran over his legs would carry it away, and when the night is almost here, he arrived at a small house. Snow was entered into for the rest. Everything that was in the house, the size is very small, but beautiful and clean. In the house there are benches and tables are at the base with a white cloth, and on it there are seven plates, dinner knife, fork and drinking cups. Near the wall, seen seven small sleeping beds, side by side, and covered with white sheets as well. Snow became very hungry and thirsty, ate from each plate a little porridge and bread, and drank a little of each cup, so he does not spend one plate only. Finally Snow feel tired and lay down on the bed, but the bed is too short, there is too long, fortunately, bed-seven very appropriate to her height; and he fell asleep on the bed.

At nightfall, the homeowner came home and they are seven dwarves who work digging underground tunnels in the mountains. When they light the seven candles that illuminate the entire house, they realize that there are people who have entered into the house because some things have changed places, not like when they leave the house.

The first said, "Who has been sitting in my little chair?"
The second said, "Who has been eating from my little plate?"
The third said, "Who took my little bread?"
The fourth said, "Who has been eating my porridge?"
The fifth said, "Who has been using my fork?"
The sixth said, "Who has been cutting with my knife?"
The seventh one said, "Who has been drinking from the cup?"

Then the first, looked around the house and saw signs that his bed had been slept in, shouting, "Who's been sleeping in my bed?"

And while the others also came, they said, "Someone also been sleeping in my bed!"

The seventh dwarf amazed at the beauty of Princess SaljuKetika seventh dwarf saw his bed, he saw Snow White sleeping there, then he conveyed to another dwarf, which came in a hurry to see Snow White, and in their shock, they each raised the candle Snow to see more clearly.

"Oh my God! They said," Who is this beautiful princess? "And because they were excited to see Snow White, they do not have the heart to wake him up. The seventh dwarf had to sleep alternating with his friends, every single hour, in each of his bed until the night passed.

Towards morning, when Snow White woke up and saw the seven dwarfs, Snow White becomes frightened, but they look friendly and even asked his name and how he could have arrived at their home. Snow also tells how his mother hoped that he died, how the hunter spared her life, how she ran all day, till it came to their house.

The dwarf then said, "If you want to clean the house, cook, wash, clean up the bed, sewing, and set everything to keep it neat and clean, you can stay here, and you will not lack anything."

"I agree," Daughter forces Salu, and he was living in the house, and set up home. On the morning of the dwarves to the mountain to dig for gold, at night when they come home, they had prepared dinner. Each Snow left alone, the dwarves often advise:

"Be careful on your stepmother, she will know that you're here. Do not let anyone into the house."

Queen who has seen evidence of the death of Snow White in the form of hearts, which were brought by hunters, be quiet, standing in front of the mirror and said:

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

And the mirror answered, "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, Snow White who lives in a small house along with the seven dwarves, a thousand times more beautiful."

          Queen in disguise, to sell the tape to Princess SaljuRatu be surprised to hear it, and he finally knew that the hunter had been tricked, and Snow White is still alive. He also thinks hard to kill Princess Salu, as long as he is not the most beautiful woman among all, jealousy will not be able to make it to rest in peace. Finally he was getting a plan, he disguises his face and wearing clothing worn by older women so that no one could recognize him. In disguise, he went through seven mountains to finally arrive at the house belonging to the seven dwarfs. He knocked on the door and said:

"Good stuff for sale! Great stuff for sale!"

Snow peering out the window and said:

"Good afternoon, what are you selling?"

"Good stuff," he said, "Ribbon assorted colors" and he then handed a tape made of silk.

"I do not need to be afraid to let this old lady come in," thought Snow White, then he opened the door and buy a beautiful ribbon.

"How beautiful you are, my son!" said the old woman, "come over here and let me help you to put this tape."

Snow White unsuspecting, standing in front of it and let the old woman pair ribbon for her, but the old woman quickly strangle Snow White with ribbon to Snow falls and as if dead.

"Now it's time for you to stop as the most beautiful woman," said the old woman as she passed away.

Not long after that, towards evening, the dwarfs came home, and they were all surprised to see Salu daughter lying on the ground, not moving; they picked it up and when they saw the tape wrapped around the neck of Snow White, they cut it and then Snow breathing again. When the dwarf heard the story of Snow White, they said,

"The old woman who became a vendor, it must be none other than the evil queen, you must be careful when we are not here!"

When the evil queen arrives at the house and asked the Mirror:

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

The answer is the same as before, "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, Snow White who lives in a small house along with the seven dwarves, a thousand times more beautiful."

Upon hearing the answer, he became surprised to know that Snow White is still alive.

"Now, I have to think of other ways to destroy Snow White." And with his magic, he made a comb containing toxins. Then he disguised himself as an old woman to another. Then go across the seven mountains and came to the house of the seven dwarfs. He knocked on the door and said,

"Good stuff for sale! Great stuff for sale!"

Snow White looked out and said,

"Go away, I'm not going to let anyone in."

"But you are not forbidden to look," said the old woman, taking out the poisoned comb and holding it. The comb is very tempting Snow White so she finally opened the door and buy a comb it, and then the old woman said:

"Now, your hair should be combed properly."

Snow poor do not think that there mara-danger, let the woman combing her hair, and shortly thereafter, comb the poison began to work and Snow also fell helplessly.

"This is the end for you," said the old woman as she passed. Fortunately it was almost evening and the dwarves go home shortly after the incident. When they saw Snow White lying on the ground as dead, they immediately think that this is an act of evil stepmother. Eventually they pull a comb hair still attached in Snow White and the time and even then Snow White woke up, then tell all the events that happened. The dwarves warned him to be careful again and never let people in.

When the queen arrived at the house, he stood in front of the mirror and say,

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

The answer is the same as before, "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, Snow White who lives in a small house along with the seven dwarves, a thousand times more beautiful."

Snow falls after eating apples beracunKetika queen heard this, he was shaking with anger, "Snow White must die, though I also have to die!" Then he went into the secret room and there he made a poison apple. Apple beautiful and seductive, white and red. Anyone who saw it and anyone tempted to eat it though slight, would die of poisoning. When the apple was ready, he was disguised back and dressed like a peasant woman, and then he crossed the seven mountains where the seven dwarfs lived. And when he knocked on the door, Snow poked her head through the window and said,

"I dare not let anyone in, the seven dwarfs have banned me."

"All right," said the woman, "I just want to give an apple to you."

"No," said Snow White, "I dare not take anything."

"Are you afraid of poison?" asked the woman, "behold, I will divide it into two parts apple, you will get a piece of red, white and my part."

Apples are made by cleverly, so that part is a part of the toxic red. Snow White will be tempted apple beauty, and when he saw the peasant woman eating apple parts, Snow White becomes not take it anymore, he put his hand out and took part poisonous apple. Not long after he ate the apple, she was dropped and seemed to die. The evil queen, laughed loudly and said,

"White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony! This time, the dwarf will not be able to turn you back."

Then he went home and asked her mirror,

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

The mirror answered, "You are the fairest of them all".

Queen of hearts that had been filled with jealousy, eventually became calm and happy.

          The dwarfs, when I got home at night, found Snow White lying on the ground, and no longer breath coming out of his nose. They picked it up, looking for the poison to kill Snow White, ribbon cutting, combing her hair, wash it with water and wine, but all in vain, the poor daughter had died. They finally put Snow White in a crate, and they all sat down together, weeping for his death for three full days. Although died, Princess snow looks as if still living with her cheeks flushed. The dwarf then said,

          "We're not going to bury it in the dark ground." Then they made a coffin made of clear glass so that they can see Snow White from all sides. Snow was laid in the coffin, and in the chest then wrote the name Snow White with gold lettering, along with the story that she was the daughter of a king. Then they put the coffin on the mountain, and one of them always stay to watch. Birds come to visit and sorry, that comes first is the owl, then a raven, then a dove.

For some time, Snow White lying on the glass coffin and never changed, it looks as though sleeping. He was still as white as snow, as red as blood, and hair black as ebony. Once a prince through the forest that leads to the house elf. When he saw the crate on top of the mountain along the beautiful Snow White in it, he became enamored, and after he read the writings on the chest. He said to the dwarfs,

"Let me have the coffin along with Snow this, I will give you whatever you ask."

But the dwarf refused and said that they did not want to part with Snow although paid with gold in the whole world. But the prince said,

"I asked him so much, because I can not live without seeing Snow White; If you agree, I will immediately take all of you and consider you like a brother."

Snow White woke up after a poisoned apple out of mulutnyaSaat prince spoke earnestly, the dwarves into compassion and give the Prince crate containing Snow White and the Prince was summoned servants to lift the coffin into the palace. On the way, a waiter tripped on a bush so that lifted the crate being shaken and slightly sloping. That's when the poisonous apple in Snow White's throat, out of his mouth. Snow White opened his eyes and opened the cover crates, down and stand in a healthy state-fiddle.

"Oh, where I was?" he asked. The Prince immediately answered with a cheerful heart, "You are safe around me," and tell me everything that happened. The Prince then said again,

"I would rather have you than anything offered by the world; come along with me to the palace of my father and be my bride."

Snow kind, go with the prince and festive wedding is planned for both of them.

Snow White's stepmother also invited to attend the party and when decorated in the mirror, he was asked in the magic mirror:

"Mirror on the wall, Who is the prettiest among all?"

The mirror answered, "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, this new bride a thousand times more beautiful."

The Queen became angry and cursed with disappointment, he almost canceled the presence at the wedding of Snow White, but curiosity made him stay away. When he saw the bride, he was surprised because the bride is none other than Snow White. Anger and fear mixed into one and at that moment, the evil queen choking with rage, fell and died, while Snow White and the prince, live happily ever after.


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